

Registration and meeting of the SICA Directive Board


Institutional greetings (Luisella Celi, Presidente SICA; Gavino Mariotti, Magnifico Rettore dell’Università di Sassari; Ignazio Floris, Direttore del Dipartimento di Agraria dell’Università di Sassari; Niccolò P.P. Maciotta, Presidente AISSA). 

Session 1: The role of soil for a sustainable crop production and the preservation of ecosystem services
Moderatori: Silvia Rita Stazi, Matteo Spagnuolo 


Keynote lecture: Enzo Lombi, Barbara Hardy Chair in Environmental Science and Engineering, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia 
Exploring phosphorus chemistry in the fertosphere to increase nutrient use efficiency 


S. Paliaga, L. Badalucco, D.F. Chillura Martino, V.C. Ciaramitaro, E. Kandeler, S. Marhan, V.A. Laudicina 
Innovative bio-based mulching films affect soil microbial biomass, activity and nutrient dynamics 


S. Martinengo, A. Ehlinger, M.S. Lasagna, M. Martin, L. Celi, D. Said-Pullicino 
The role of root traits and iron plaque formation in organic carbon turnover and priming in the rice detritusphere 


Coffee break and poster viewing


A. Paesano, M. Mazzon, J. Cupi, P. Gioacchini, E. Biagi, E. Musmeci, C. Ciavatta, F. Fava, C. Marzadori. 
Organic soil amendments for 


L. Bacci, N. Montegiove, D. Pezzolla 
Effects of microplastics on two different types of soil treated with digestate 


D. Moro, E. Pellegrini, M. Contin, M. De Nobili 
Mitigation ability of humified organic matter towards soil salinity and sodicity 


V. Cozzolino, M. Verrillo, V. Di Meo, S. Cangemi, R.S. Del Gaudio, V. Valentino, R. Spaccini, F. De Filippis 
Responses of organic phosphorus forms in soil aggregates and microbial community composition to crop rotation in a long-term field experiment 


R. Addesso, F. Araniti, A. Bloise, S.H. Elshafie, H.R. Ellerbrock, S.L. Schnee, A. Sofo 
Soil organic matter quality in an olive orchard differentially managed for 21 years 


Lunch and poster viewing

Session 2: Plant responses and resilience to counteract global change
Moderatori: Michela Schiavon, Maria Rosaria Panuccio 


Keynote lecture: Diana Santelia, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich.
Guard cell starch metabolism at the intersection of environmental stimuli and stomatal movements 


A. Sabia, A. Alboresi, T. Morosinotto, A.R. Trentin, F. Masiero, I. Battistti, A. Masi 
Impact of GenX on the physiology and morphology of Zea mays and Solanum lycopersicum 


E. Clagnan, T. Petrov, M. Rizzetto, S. Nocella, G. D’Imporzano, M. Dell’Orto, P. De Nisi, M. Cucina, L. Llenas–Argelaguet, R. Kron Morelli, M. Ovani, F. Adani 
Microbiologically activated bio-based fertilizers: application effects on yield and quality of tomato plants 


E. Coppa, G. Quagliata, M.D. Garcia Molina, M. Maghrebi, G. Vigani, F. Sestili, S. Astolfi 
How soil sulfur availability affects iron accumulation in four tetraploid wheats (Triticum turgidum L.) 


Coffee break and poster viewing


M. Peli, S. Ambrosini, D. Sorio, F. Pasquarelli, A. Zamboni, Z. Varanini 
The soil application of a plant-derived protein hydrolysate speeds up selectively the ripening-specific processes in table grape 


G. Galli, F. Araniti, B. Prinsi, L. Espen 
Salt stress and nitrogen metabolism in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) grown under different N forms 


M. Lucchetta, M.Y. Alzate Zuluaga, S. Monterisi, A. Romano, R. Fattorini, S. Cesco, F. Gaiotti, Y. Pii 
The effects of pruning waste compost on growth and nutrient uptake in rooted pinot gris cuttings 


E. Secomandi, M. De Gregorio, L. Lucini 
The interaction between heat, cold, salinity and waterlogging at the photosynthetic and metabolomics levels: a combined stresses case study in Arabidopsis thaliana L. 

Session 3: Strategies for the preservation and recovery of natural and contaminated environments
Moderatori: Fulvia Tambone, Andrea Baglieri 


Keynote lecture: Domenico Morabito, Laboratoire Physiologie, Écologie et Environnement, Université d’Orléans
Assisted phytostabilization for sustainable remediation of polluted areas as part of a circular economy 


A. Boarino, E. Padoan, L. Celi 
Recovering nutrients and reducing pollution through struvite precipitation from biomass waste 


J. Di Mario, D. Del Buono, C. Emiliani, A.M. Gambelli, D. Puglia, A. Ranucci, G. Gigliotti 
Optimizing brewery’s spent grain management for enhanced sustainability in beer production: from biorefinery approach to direct application in the biopolymer industry 


S. Diquattro, G. Garau, M.V. Pinna, M. Garau, S. Bagella, A. Porceddu, P.P. Roggero, P. Castaldi 
Long-term influence of a municipal solid waste compost on the fertility, functionality and biological diversity of a soil contaminated with potentially toxic elements: a field study 


Coffee break and poster viewing


M. Esposito, S. Viganò, A. Passera, S. Pagnoni, P. Casati, F. Tambone, C. Jucker, B. Scaglia 
Employment of the “green” residues of the tomato cannery industry as font of biopesticides against insect and fungi 


G. Renella, S. Baronti, F.P. Vaccari, S. Righi, N. Greggio, D. Marazza, E. Balugani, A.C. Cavallo, C. Andreotti, M. Ventura, F. Benyahia 
Effects of biochar on soil biochemical activity: evidence from the network of field trials of the Bio-C-Vite project 


C. Porfido, I. Allegretta, C. Cocozza, C.E. Gattullo, N. Othman, G.S. Senesi, M. Spagnuolo, R. Terzano, P. Vernile, D. Vona 
A novel bioleaching method to remove potentially toxic elements (PTE) from polluted soils using bacteria chemically immobilized in exhausted polyurethane foam 


A. Gelsomino, E. Loffredo, S. Mocali, S. Del Duca, G. Scarpino 
Microbially-enriched biosolids as sustainable tools for managing contaminants of emerging concern in agricultural soil 


Poster viewing




Focus groups for young researchers


Coffee break


SICA Plenary session


Social dinner

Session 4: Climate-smart approaches for a sustainable food production
Moderatori: Costanza Ceccanti, Luigi Lucini 


Keynote lecture: Simona Grasso, Food Science & Nutrition, University College Dublin 
Upcycled foods: challenges and opportunities


M. Santin, A. Mannucci, A. Ranieri, M.C. Sciampagna, A. Souid, A. Vornoli, L. Pozzo, V. Longo, G. Conte, G. Foggi, M. Tognocchi, A. Castagna 
Salicornia europaea L.: a valid resource for food and feed applications 


M. Spada, E. Coppa, G. Quagliata, M. Marìn-Sanz, F. Barro, V. Bigini, D. Savatin, R. Ruggeri, F. Rossini, S. Astolfi 
Improving drought tolerance in durum wheat with biostimulants 


R. Ofano, C. Amalfitano, L. Ruggiero, D. Agrelli, P. Adamo 
Tracing the geographic origin of foods: the application of multielement analysis to tomato soils and fruits 


Coffee break and poster viewing


F. Narra, C. Ceccanti, M. Florio, L. Guidi 
What thermal process retains the phytochemicals in turnip greens (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)? 


V. Zuffi, F. Puliga, D. Mercatante, O. Francioso, A. Zambonelli, M.T. Rodriguez Estrada, S. Sanchez-Cortes 
Utilization of grape pomace as alternative substrates for sustainable mushroom cultivation 


P. García-Pérez, M.A. De Gregorio, E. Capri, L. Lucini 
Vermicompost seed priming stimulates a coordinated phenotypical and metabolic reprogramming to induce a resilient response to microgreens of agricultural importance 


Poster viewing


Awards for the best presentations and closing ceremony

